
Monday, May 26, 2014

One Goal

I started this blog because writings about simplicity and minimalism inspire me.  I wanted to pass that encouragement on to others through my own love of writing. 
Now that summer is here there is a temptation to pack one's schedule with activity.
It's not just sports, summer rec programs, or VBS invites in your mailbox.  It's also the zillions of ideas swirling around in a homeschool mama's head of how to make the most of the summer; educational opportunities, summer schoolwork, fun projects.  Whether or not you actually get on Pinterest, you likely have a "board" in your head of ideas you have "pinned" of things you would like to do with your family.
While I do want my kids to read, be read to, take piano lessons, go to Pioneer School, practice some handwriting and Math facts, and review their Cycle 2 Grammar, I am feeling a call to fewer goals, fewer lists, fewer things to check off.  Just as CC has helped me to teach the core things well instead of tons of things lightly, I desire to make my goals simple so that I can reach them.
This week, I'm setting ONE GOAL: to be kind.
It seemed like an important place to start because my kids struggle with it daily and so does their mom.  It's easy to be selfish, impatient, cranky, or negative.  It's frustrating when the kids don't listen, don't do their chores, fight with one another, or sass.  It's irritating when someone whom you thought was a friend stabs you in the back.  It's difficult to be kind to your spouse when you feel taken for granted.  When we get hurt we want to hurt back.
But kindness is essential to marriage, great family relationships, friendships, and CC communities.  So, I'd rather we all practice kindness than spend hours studying or go on amazing trips this summer.
Instead of making a list to impress you all with what I hope to accomplish with schoolwork over the next few months, I will simply say that kindness will be something we talk about, pray about, and seek to develop in our family in the coming days and hopefully, for our whole lives.

1 comment:

  1. And sometimes that means cutting back on all that fun stuff so that we do not get over tired and stressed out. Kindness is the greater good.
